We are here to help you with all the latest and greatest information about AFD CSD Canteen. Are you looking for a car in AFD CSD, Are you looking for a bike in AFD CSD or Do you have any queries about your AFD CSD? then you have reached the right place. Click on the respective images and then explore all the required details.
Canteen Stores Departments Online Portal afd.csdindia.gov.in login for buying AFD 1 items, this includes 4 wheelers, 2 wheelers, white goods viz. TV, Refrigerator, Washing machine, Microwave oven etc.
These are items for which the individual submits his/ her demand along with payment for the item to CSD Depot and after necessary documentation, delivery of the item is taken by the customer from the authorized dealer.
Seven CSD’s trading operation product Groups
Group I – Toiletries
Group II – Household Requisites
Group III – General Use Items
Group IV – Watches and Stationery
Group V – Liquor
Group VI – Food & Medicinal Items
Group VII – 4 Wheelers, 2 Wheelers & White goods.
Products in Group VII cannot be stored at URCs and neither can they be shelved! For this reason, CSD procures these items from the trade on behalf of the end user “Against Firm Demand” (AFD)